In performance for the dollar, the Powerwall 2 is even better but we just don't need that much battery. Financially it'd make no sense, unless your power plan had off peak hours you wanted to exploit. Even then, I wouldn't know when the break even point is, considering how expensive this is. Batteries don't magically make more power, just stores them for use later. That said, yes they'd probably make a fine house-wide UPS.
Is it beneficial (and possible) to have a power wall device without solar panel and just use it as uninterrupted power supply? Because if you include solar suddenly eveything you do in life has to have a cost benefit spreadsheet and accountancy firm approval attached to it.Without attaching solar you are free to buy hugely expensive depreciating items that only cost you money to run and are worthless in 5 years without any questions about payback, just because you wanted to and you enjoyed it.
Without solar you could just buy a friggen big UPS becuase you felt like it and your mates would go duuuude that rocks!!Or a massively expensive money pit 4WD that does nothing but commute to work in the city, becuase you felt like it, and few people would give a shit. Not everyone is in a property readily for solar panels, and having continuous power supply may mean live and death to some, even if it's just temporary. The Powerwall 2 just breaks even financially for an average household if you use it as it's designed to - charging from solar during hte day and using its power during night time. So just using it as a giant UPS would make it an incredibly expensive option.
Does it operate as a UPS? the first power wall lacks an island/isolator so loss of mains means loss of power.
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