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Sunday, November 20, 2016

When you put your VR headset on x-post

Chimps are smart as fuck but at the end of the day they still gotta wear diapers. Plus I heard they can lose their temper and beat the shit out of you with their super monkey strength.Atari are releasing it's incredibly unfinished, unpolished, hashed game Roller Coaster Tycoon World on Wednesday. Which is the day before its far superior rival Planet Coaster. They're trying to make a quick buck off unfortunate naive buyers. Please let people know!

Why would a chimpanzee go through the effort of shitting in a box when it could just shit on the floor and humans would clean up after it? Normally, when you're dealing with someone who's wearing a diaper, they're weaker than you AND willing to have a diaper on em.Maybe it wasn't his first time with it on. When he immediately reaches out for the controller and how he knows to hold it on his face indicate that. Most of the uneasy people vids are from their first time trying it.

The thing was reaching for the remote like, "oh yeah! VR time. gimme dat remote. time to pop some god damned balloons".I'm more interesting in the fact that Monkey has the situational awareness to realize there's a screen on his face creating artificial imagery that he can manipulate.inb4 a world of monkeys controlling robots via Virtual reality. Imagine a VR game like grand theft auto and a monkey controlling the character. At first the monkey will run around punching people and hitting cars with his hands, but give them a few months, and they will begin to get in cars and drive around, give them a few years and they will understand how to evade the police. And finally we can train them to go bowling with Roman.

Vali and sugreeva both name are from Indian mythology. Both of them were superpowerful. Vali had the superpower to absorb half of the strength of his enemy. Sugreeva was Vali's bro but because of some confusion both became rivals. Sugreeva defeated Vali in the end .Some people forget that we are just another animal. We share a lot of genes with anything from banana to apache helicopter.

First, I am fucking terrified of chimps in houses, in a zoo or sanctuary not that bad but a chimp in a house scares the shit out of me.

Second, this doesn't seem like a good idea because what happens when he decides he wants to play it but you left the zombie game in....

This chimp is very young, and not really that dangerous. He won't be as strong as a man yet, and would be controllable.You're right though that, sooner or later, that chimp is going to get too big and strong for a human to handle. Which is true of most exotic animals, and is a major reason why keeping them as pets if a fucking stupid idea.That's not even considering all the major psychological problems that are likely going to follow that chimp for the rest of his life, long after his "owner" has to give him up to a sanctuary (or worse, a zoo) because he can't control him any more.

Well, there's not really a whole lot to separate us other than our knowledge of complex tools, many 'human' concepts can be taught to monkeys and apes, they can learn sign language and understand the concept of currency, if taught they can do most of the things we can, though not quite to the same level we can.Though, considering evolution, there's entirely the possibility that in the future monkeys and apes could be at the level we currently are, without the whole Planet of the Apes thing.

It has nothing to do with creationism. The creepiness is that we have a bunch of furry, super strong five-year-olds running around our rain forests, and sometimes we capture them, put them in diapers, and place them in boxes for our bare-skinned five-year-olds to look at.To every zoo on the planet, or anyone holding these creatues captives. Please for the love of god, don't hold our ancestors in cages.

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