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Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Wife Running To Get Out Of Baby Funny Picture

I'm the wife here! Thanks for all the comments. We actually had a "real" photographer who was to the left (my right). I had no idea my husband was taking pictures. She actually posed like this after seeing her brother and sister pose like this and I was shocked so I ran back so Jessica, our photographer could capture the shot quickly. Again thanks for all the nice comments and hilarious pictures. I currently have the Forrest Gump picture as my cover on Facebook. Also, feel free to check out the real photographer, Jessica Tatum with High Cotton Photography if you're in the south!

Congrats I bet it was wonderful! But seriously it looks like you guys took a picture where you touched noses and then couldn't stop giggling.I commented on the first guy that added Leo onto the chain on the top comment thanking him for being the guy that did it but I didn't know the second comment nailed it better ,Still easier than taking pictures of pets at least. Dogs always seem to be looking at you until you aim a camera at them, at which point they're suddenly distracted by everything in every other direction until you give up.
That's why I always either do action shots of my dog (where he's playing or similar and not paying attention to the camera) or I'll literally hold a treat on the camera for still shots.Some kids actually like the camera, I think it's practice and letting them use a camera as a kid, or your phone to take pictures. And then they eventually wanna be in them. Practice makes them less camera shy, but not forcing the issue of course. Some kids will never want to tho.

"Sarah never knew why her mother ran away that day, or why she was smilin' as she did. Or why her father took, and kept, a photo of that sad, life altering event. She'd stare at that picture, wondering what kind of life momma had been livin' for the past 20 years. Did she start another family, and did she merrily flee from them as well?"

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