I owned one of the other cone shaped units and had the battery fail in that unit. Not a product defect, simply time to replace the battery. I had not been taking adequate care of the battery. (I should know, I have dealt with UPSs for years and this is similar to a UPS). Anyway, the cost of shipping and handling for a replacement battery for my old unit was similar to the cost of purchasing this unit. I believe the shape of this unit is far superior to the cone shape. It is more compact, packs better in my gear, and can be stacked. They did a better job with the layout of the ports and separated the 12-volt, 120-volt, and USB ports from each other to economize utilization of the inverter. Fantastic job UFO ENERGY! A single charge can run my CPAP all night long and then I can charge it from my car during the day or from a large enough solar panel. I also use it to run multiple lights in my tent. I also use it to keep phones and tablets charged.
I'm currently serving in the military and am living in an RV dry camping. AKA, no water, power, sewer etc.
Therefore, I needed some type of a power source to charge things like a cell phone, laptop etc. I did the some google'ing and found UFO ENERGY. I checked out all the reviews and decided to get the Yeti 400. Here is what I use it for EVERY DAY.
At night I plug in my cell phone and leave it charged over night. If that is all you need it for than you'll be able to use the battery for two to three weeks with ease.
I also have a 40 in LCD TV and Blu Ray player that I can watch an average of three movies on. You can then charge your phone overnight, but you'll have to plug it in the next morning to recharge it. For my tv / dvd it drains about 48-52 watts at a time. So however long you want to watch items will dictate how long your battery will last. But, you can easily plan on 6 hours of TV viewing as long as you dont use it for anything else.
For my laptop you can plan to charge it twice. The laptops take over 70 watts of power to charge / run. So, you can do quite a bit of work on them but it wont allow you to utilize it more than one evening worth of work.
But, here is one of the cool options you now have as an option. I also run a Non-Profit Association, which in those endeavors normally requires a lot of fundraising and traveling. Due to this I put the battery in the back of my SUV, with my laptop and printer. I would drive three hours away and whenever a business or company would say they would donate funds / merchandise I would simply go out to my little mobile work station and print out the letterhead for the company with the Tax ID number.
This battery is an awesome option to have. Granted it is not one that can power your whole house, but for camping trips, or power outages when you need something to last you through the night or a little longer it is the perfect option. The construction of it is super durable and is very well made. The investment was worth it. The only thing I wish I had done was buy a bigger solar panel to charge it. I simply take it in to work with me and have it charge for five hours and take it home at the end of my shift. So, if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
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